Showing progress with Wicked
Wicked is a gem that makes creating a step-by-step wizard really simple.
I was using it on a project recently and wanted to show the user their progress through the wizard.
An easy way to do this would be to show “Step x of x” on the page. Wicked doesn’t give you the step numbers, but they are easy enough to grab. Here’s how you do it.
In your show action, add the following.
@current_step = current_step_index + 1
@total_steps = steps.count
Your show action should now look something like this…
def show
@user = current_user
@current_step = current_step_index + 1
@total_steps = steps.count
Then in your view, you can now easily display your users progress through the wizard.
<%= Step #{@current_step} of #{@total_steps} %>
Annnd you’re done! Your users will now see what step they are on as they use your wizard.